people go where the work is. there are hundreds of thousands if not MILLIONS of jobs in the USA that so-called "regular" americans do not want to do and will not do. Construction, lawn maintenance, kitchen work, road maintenance and construction, roofing. These are HARD fucking jobs that people come here ad work their asses off on to build your houses and your schools and your roads and your churches and stock your supermarkets with produce.
Immigrants, illegal or otherwise, pay every single tax there is except income tax. They pay payroll taxes, they pay sales taxes (most of our taxes are taken as sales tax), they pay property taxes, etc.
the whole immigration issue is a RED HERRING people. it is a meaningless and moot argument.
It keeps the popuylace concerned with something other than the massive war spending, the immense never before reached deficit, the massive trade gap because we do not build anything in the USA anymore, the 45 MILLION citizens without any form of health insurance, et etc etc