for reiterative purposes, i'm reposting some thoughts because there's a lot of namby-pambyisms floating around this extremely convoluted thread:
I'm not against immigration. Only a fool would be. I acknowledge & fervently & firmly believe that immigration, i.e. the melting pot, is what helped make this country great. My mother came to America from Italy and my father from Ireland only in the last century. But, it should be done legally. The bureaucracy for gaining legal citizenship should be streamlined & made altogether more accessible for those that would like to call America home, but in this post 9/11 day & age, that's gonna be a tough nut to crack.
They are not citizens. If the corporate pigs were not benefiting from illegal mexican workers being here in America then you better believe that the National Guard would be called out & the protesters would be forced by tank escort to march right back to Mexico. So are illegal immigrants hurting America? Yes, in these exponentiating numbers, yes they are; they are also hurting themselves. There's many a rural town where the plant or whatever hires only illegal immigrants now & this is one reason why Bush has had negative job growth. Then again, it's also ultimately the responsibility of Bush as the head of the executive branch of government & his appointed Attorney General to enforce the RICO law. Gaining national attention lately was a woman in Dalton (the carpet capital of the world as it's called in Georgia) that could not get a job without being able to speak fluent spanish. That's why the regulations on immigration are there in the first place. It seems all of you that jumped on Rhys are wearing some nice rose-colored glasses about the whole issue. Turning our heads the other way at illegal immigration at these levels only increases societal problems. The easiest to discuss is the cut & dried case of labor & employment issues. Illegal immigrants contribute to a culture of indentured servitude & do a disservice to themselves & their own potential by not becoming legal American citizens first. By being illegal aliens, they minimize their abilty to achieve prosperity by lawful means & they subjugate themselves to any number of employer labor abuses. The most obvious of which is that they cannot expect to be guaranteed regular hours, overtime pay or a minimum wage.
None of this should be too tough to figure out if one actually cares about the people at the heart of this issue instead of just waxing together in unison being all "peace & love & understanding, dude" which basically amounts to complete & utter mental masturbation (Rob, !@#$%!, Krastian, nature scene, etc.); I fail to see how it accomplishes or solves anything or serves to even further a real discussion.
It is the promise of free & easy widespread employment (even without citizenship) that has lured immigrants to come to America to seek prosperity. This post will not win me a lot of support, because the truth rarely does. In the post, I am only addressing what can be done for the illegal immigrants that work jobs for which they should be required to have actual documentation instead of the fake documentation that they provide; there are always gonna be illegal immigrants in this country that work either fringe, odd or private jobs that do not require them to have documentation. That's just the way it is & the way it will always be & that's fine by me because it isn't like there is an abundance of these types of jobs. What I aim to express concerns jobs with major companies that have over 25 employees. In 1996, the RICO racketeering act was updated to include employers that hire illegal immigrants. It is their duty by law to adhere to this very serious federal mandate. It is the executive branch of the government with the President of the United States at its head that is responsible for enforcing the laws in this country. You do the math. It is the responsibility of the companies that are illegally hiring the illegal immigrants to cease & desist & it is also the responsibility of the U.S. Government to enforce the law of the United States. The companies make a candyass bullshit complaint that they are given faulty information & that the federal government should provide for the employment verification process to assure the employer that the applicant's information is legitimate.
But what will happen over this recent political flare-up concening illegal immigration? Will the government get tough on companies that make a practice of hiring illegals? No, absolutely not; that could hurt their precious bottom line. The immigrants that have been here illegally for a certain amount of time will be allowed to become naturalized. This is already happening. This'll be used as a hot button political issue. This is already happening too. The length of time for naturalization will be shortened probably (only increasing the same problem) & there will be a lot of political hot air puffed about concerning "getting tougher" on immigration law, but things will more or less stay the same & the illegal immigrant & mexican population of the United States will continue to balloon until the problems increase & reach yet another critical level.
Illegal immigrants cannot vote. They have no incentive or even legal right to be part of the political process. I believe I've just illustrated yet another way that being illegal is not only a disservice to the illegal alien, but also to society as a whole. If anyone sees racial bias in any of my posts on this subject then it is quite likely they that have some issues with racism, because I'm merely stating the objective truth of the matter in a layman's fashion.