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Old 09.27.2007, 11:16 AM   #2349
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Nobody Can Do it Like McDonalds Can (1979) (6.93 MB) Flexi-Disc sent to franchisees announcing new jingle. BONUS: A message from Ray Kroc, who is either drunk or dead

Andy Williams for Aji-No-Moto seasoning (MSG) (3.26 MB) See the picture disc here
Dryclean When you Care (514.6 K) The stirring anthem of the International Fabricare Institute
Mary Kay Cosmetics: Inspirational Songs (969.9 K) By The Vickaroos
Keep Your Restrooms Clean, Men (309.8 K) From the Red Lion Gasoline Company
My Bathroom (American Standard) (375.1 K) It’s a special kind of place
Plymouth 65 (884.3 K) Announcing the 1965 Chryslers
Get the Feel of the Wheel (of a Ford) (7.16 MB) from the Ford Pavilion at the 1964 World’s Fair
Rappin’ With Gas (439.4 K)
Recruit, Train and Motivate (328.7 K) Either an Amway song or the gay anthem
Sand (451.1 K) From the 1973 G.E. Industrial, Got to Investigate Silicones!
What is this Thing Called Amway? (241.4 K) Where there’s hope, there’s soap