I just returned Inland Empire half unwatched.
Mr. Lynch has been my favorite for many many moons, but with this last one he really made me feel as if I was humoring him.
I get it.
I get what's happening and yet somehow I felt like it was just too much and not enough at the same time.
Lynch's brilliancy has always been combining "weird" with "normal". the normals would follow along with the story, while the weird agents
created it. I'm not saying normals were always "good" people, they just weren't from another dimension.
there were no normals in this movie.
everybody was a weird agent.
with all the loonies loose on stage, the movie lost it's grounding.
I would have lasted if it hadn't been three hours long. after the first hour and a half, I just really didn't have time for it.
(I know, I should have started watching it before 9:00. I really should have listened to mother).
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