invito al cielo
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 28,843
(long rant)
I don't think I'll get any kind of cellphone until 1) regular phone companies become obsolete AND 2) there are no more payphones. Since those won't happen for a looooooooooooooong time (feel free to post things like a news article that says "LOCAL WAL-MART CUTS DOWN THEIR PAYPHONES FROM 9 TO 8!"), then I don't really *need* a phone. Actually, even if that DOES happen, I probably still won't get a phone. So many people I know live and swear by their cellphone. And as popular as I am (unfortunately -- I HATE being well-liked!), people would be callnig my phone 24/7.. I know, I know, I can just turn the phone off if I don't want to be bothered, but what's the point of having one then if I hate talking on the phone? I mean, I'm on MSN Messenger all the time, but I'm on "away" 99% of the time.. so yeah.. it's the same idea.. why people want people to get ahold of them whenever they feel like it is beyond me. I will never understand people's love of new technology. I drive an 88 Geo Spectrum. Runs AMAZINGLY. It was $500. Never had a problem in 2 years, knock on wood. My girlfriend has a 2005 Honda which she has to pay $400 a month on for like 7 years. Already had a few problems with it. Sure, it is, uh, "aesthetically", a little nicer. It's a bit shinier.. that's about it. People who buy new video game consoles.. sorry, but the Nintendo DS, which has the same technology as the Nintendo 64 (an 11 year old system) in its guts, is better than any of those $600 PS3 or $400 XBOX 360 bullshit consoles.. the Wii isn't that great, but people generally think it's not great because of it's "graphix" (which look amazing but aren't as SHINY as the other systems').. it's not great because it doesn't have that many good games, though none of the systems do, besides the DS.. I much prefer playing the PS1, SNES, Genesis, NES, and yeah.. okay.. my PS2 gets some good useage (Rez and Ico!).. As far as iPhones go, $600 for a fucking PHONE. A PHONE. Again, more expensive than my fucking car.. to have a device you can TALK to people on.. oh my god, you can listen to music and watch movies! That's what a computer's for! I mean, jesus. My favorite thing has to be "dvd's". I'm all for 1) special features (which will only be watched once probably), 2) director's commentary (which most people don't listen to), and 3) television shows on DVD (which is probably the only good thing about DVD; I saw full television show releases on VHS, and it took up like 20 VHS tapes.. ehhhhhhhhhh)... yeah, yeah, better picture and sound, but let me tell you.. I showed my friend Tetsuo: The Iron Man on VHS, which looked pERFECT -- not a "line" in the picture, no sound glitches, looked just as good as DVD on his TV -- and he said, "i dunno if i like this, i have to watch it on dvd to be sure." Hahaha. What?! I am not anti-DVD at all, I think DVD's are cool, but anyone who goes, "I'd much rather pay $20 for a bare-bones DVD when I could spend $1 on a used VHS tape." is a nut. Not to mention that "BLu-ray", "HDDVD", "Terradiscs" and all this other bullshit is coming out, which people don't give two fucks about -- how many people even have HDTV's, first of all, and Terradiscs hold like a terrabyte of space, which is like half of my 600 movies on one disc and will probably cost like $200 a disc.. it's silly.. People's love of technology is fascinating, but people who just "Gotta have it now cuz it's NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" are ridiculous. My friend (and band mate in Scissor Shock) is a millionaire, literally has millions of dollars inherited from his family, and he owns an old beat-up Volvo, no cell phone, a respectable VHS collection, no new video game systems, he just drinks tea and eats bread and spaghetti 24/7.. he is one of the most humble down-to-earth people I've ever met, and he definitely afford NOT to be... he's great!
That's all. I have nothing against technology, just people who buy shit as soon as it comes out and won't even pay attention to anything older cuz, uh, 'duh it's oldz'.