This won't really mean anything to anyone here, but I'm excited so I'm gonna blabber about it.
I was at work, and this dude comes in with his kids, him and I start talking it up, then he looks around some more. His kids are around 10 or so, then he finds something for his son. A Darkthrone wall flag. It's the one from The Cult Is Alive, which if you're not familiar with the album cover...

not your usual stuff for a ten year old...
So me and the dude keep talking, he then introduces himself to me as Justin Greaves. The name didn't really ring a bell. He then starts talking about the label he's on back in the UK, Rise Above. Turns out he's the drummer for Electric Wizard and used to be in Iron Monkey. He tells me about him touring with bands like SunnO)), Boris, Napalm Death and so on. He then informs me that he got to know these UK bands through his brother in law... Lee fucking Dorrian. Lee Dorrian was the original singer for Napalm Death (basically the grandfather of grind) and is now singing for Cathedral (one of my favourite bands ever).
Well, he then mentions that his brother's gonna be visiting here soon, and that he'll shoot me an email when he gets here. So I'll get to meet Lee, one of my favourite singers out there... I'm excited