The weapons inspectors were allowed in on numerous occasions and frequently kicked out as well when US inspectors started using weapons inspections as a cheap way of gathering intelligence on non WMD matters
In fact the inspections prior to the second gulf war indicated that Iraq was complying with WMD disposal
Hussein could never openly admit he had no way to defend his country for fear of a second war with Iran which he would certainly have lost
Further, didnt it strike anyone as odd in the first gulf war that despite satellites, spies and dedicated special forces teams covertly inserted into Iraq, that noone found a single scud missile or launcher?
A briefing held just before the second invasion of Iraq by a Lieutenant Colonel to the officers and senior NCO's of a British infantry Battalion was started with the words "Forget about weapons of mass destruction, you are just about to take part in the biggest theft in the world. We are going to steal an oil field"
That said it all