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Old 05.08.2006, 12:44 PM   #158
atari 2600
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atari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's assesatari 2600 kicks all y'all's asses
ricechex-"i also am the one with a poli sci degree, not u. "
Where did you get your degree from and when?
this is a rather juvenile quibble that cannot be proved or disproved & should be dropped immediately; it should have never arisen in the topic.
ricechex-"What fuels alot of this anger is how divided the country is, and specifically the right."
Are you sure that it's more divided on the right than it is on the left? How would you explain Bush being re-elected for a 2nd term?
The Left has always had more special interest groups & as a result, has been very divided for quite some time. This is one of the primary reasons (along with the ever-present & corrupting influence of lobbyists) why the Democratic Party has lost its effigacy. We are now in the throes of national economic, energy, environmental & security crisis & so the Democratic Party is making a concerted aeffort to be more unified, or at the very least appear as if it's more unified because major elections are up & coming.
What ricechex is undoubtably referring to as far as the Right becoming more divided is Bush's recent nose-dive in the polls. The Republicans are becoming more divided. Now there are some legitimate reasons why gasoline has risen so much in price recently, but the facts are that no one likes seeing Exxon-Mobil & the other multinational energy companies gouging the American consumer. Also the WMD lie, the Plame outing, the proposed Dubai secuirty port deal & domestic spying are all coming to bear.
ricechex-"The traditional conservative viewpoint is to put a halt on immigration and especially the illegal variant."
So, the traditional conservative viewpoint it to put a halt on people wanting to come to the country?(hehehe...I just had to laugh
The traditional conservative viewpoint it may be, but the conservatives in power now are thieves in traditionalist clothing. They have happily looked the other way to help line the coffers of their constinuency through exploiting cheap illegal labor. These neo-conservatives also like to start fake wars to steal money from contracts & have now spent almost 10 trillion dollars. The country is very arguably less safer & they are, very arguably, a lot richer now.
ricechex-"But now, that is being sort of pushed to the side and ignored by the Bushie conservatisim, b/c their new focus is on the eternal bottom line of greed, money. This side are the same people who push outsourcing..again, Bush influence."
Oh, but um...didn't Clinton get NAFTA passed and wasn't "outsourcing" already a problem before GWB got elected as president?
Clinton did pass NAFTA. But Clinton also did a lot that was good. He got state lotteries passed to fund college scholarships, even in states like Virginia & Georgia that were heavily opposed to any form of legalized gambling at first. Clinton also helped to spearhead the balanced budget amendment. Since the IT boom was happening at the same time that our fiscal house was put in order, many, many Americans enjoyed unprecedented prosperity for awhile under his presidency. But Bill Clinton always was a bought-&-paid for puppet Democratic president. He was in the inside loop because of the landing strip he allowed in Mena, AR for the CIA to run cocaine into during the Iran-Contra scandal, for instance. As far as outsourcing, it did begin under Clinton, but it has only reached these unprecedented levels under the unwatchful, uncaring auspices of the Bush administration.
ricechex-"Bush has a real problem trying to find the happy medium between two major voices: businesses and bush backers that want to pay workers little, and no record for government accountabilty, thus no benefits etc,.. and voices that want accountabilty, the traditional republicans who say illegals take jobs, and cost U.S taxpayers millions. "
That was a problem way before either Bush was elected into office, probably going back further than even the 60s. Take notes: Democrats=protecting the workers rights; Republicans=protecting the owners/business rights. It's always been that way, scout.
Yeah, that's generlly true assessment from khchris, but why the tone? Richechex just stated the obvious & khchris addresses him like he's pretending to be Robert Culp or something.


ricechex-"Bill Clinton this, Bill Clinton that. Hey, u know Bill Clinton started world war II?"
This coming from someone who supposedly has a political science degree?(giggles)
I'm not sure if this was an attempt at comic relief or not. It's just that difficult for me to imagine khchris laughing at anything out of joy. His laughter (like all the political flamers) seems to mainly stem from the sick evil glee of torturing & badgering someone.
ricechex-"Now what r u talking about? U are talking about quality and efficency of a company that started way back in the 80's."
No ricechex. Honda started over 40 years ago, not in the 80s.(LOL!)
Oh god, the fucking Honda thing that went on & on. Honda gained marketplace branding for autos in the 1970s. They've had an ever-growing company since then for cars, but of course the company have been making engines & motorcycles since the early 20th century. The Civic was introduced in '72 & the Accord in '76. The Civics & CVCCs were popular, but it was with the Accord's more mid-sized design that they really started to gain a huge market share like they still enjoy today. Honda was popular with American car buyers in the '70s just like khchris stated, but Honda also grew their sales in the '80s becoming even more of a household name, which is probaby (one would naturally assume) why ricechex wrote what he did the first time.
ricechex-"KH is just a bush guy, lock, stock, and barrel. We can see right thru him..and he was called out on it, and identified as such a long time ago.Every argument, it's on display. Sometimes it is thinly veiled, sometimes not. How ironic that he has a heart and compassion for the illegal immigrants and the cheap produce, but fails to see the larger picture that Americans should come first. They should come first when considering them to die in a war based on lies, and they should come first for jobs, and they should come first for American's rights. That should never change."
Um...are you sure you're not the REPUBLICAN? I've always voted for Democrats, which is why I show more compassion for human rights. You on the other hand believe they should not have any rights before "legal citizens", a common believe of CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS.( just gave yourself up, ricechex)
Personally, I agree with ricechex here. khchris is always trying to save face these days & he's so obstinate that he will never admit what a big Bush-backer he was in the beginning. So he's a sniveling coward for being so terrified by 9/11 that he went clamoring for daddy --- daddy please help me, i'm scared--- Bush & he's also a rat bastard for refusing to admit that he was wrong about Bush. Furthermore, based on this fellow's posting history I contend that it's not too difficult to perceive that khchris' posts in this thread were made deliberately to derail the thread & to start an arguement with someone as per his modus operandi, i.e., a flamer who loves Bush.
ricechex-"Right. But the 80's was the pertinent decade in which they took over the auto industry. Learn the facts, know the facts."
They didn't "take over" the industry until early-mid 90s. They did, however, start getting popular in the 1970s when they started "outsourcing" in America. But, I guess "Rome was built in a day..."(hehehe).
ricechex-"Outsourcing has exploded twenty fold over the span till where we r know, especially since Bush. In light of all the criticism and uproar from most Americans, Bush praises it."
"Twenty fold" especially since Bush? That's funny because during his 1st term, the growth rate of outsourcing was only 1% during his first term. Unless you think that just over a couple of years during his 2nd term it has "ballooned"(giggles).
...more rehash & it just continues on & on with yet more redundancies from here...hope that was enlightening for everyone.
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