Originally Posted by ricechex
1 . NAFTA was NOT the outsourcing boom that it is today. Outsourcing today is world wide, global in nature, and has nothing to do with trade as NAFTA did. (hee..i have to laugh here, sorry. but it's so naive, tho)
2. Japan's auto explosion, or boom, into America was in the 80's. But you're bringing up the 40's..?? and "Honda started in the 80's"? U just lie. See what i'm saying. U cannot stick to the argument. Compared to the 70's, the 80's completely dominated the 70's with regard to importation of the Japanese auto.
End of story.
Those facts will not change, no matter how large u type them!
1. Nobody said NAFTA was the "outsourcing boom that it is today". Nobody. I never said it . Nobody except yourself says this. I totally agree. Today's "outsourcing" is a much bigger problem than when Clinton got NAFTA passed. NAFTA opened the floodgates to "outsourcing". But, I guess your "online degree" didn't teach you that.(giggles)
Duh. What's the argument?
What I said was that NAFTA
"STARTED" the trigger effect of outsourcing
(keyword: S-T-A-R-T-E-D)
2. Honda was much more popular in the 80s than it was in the 70s. This is just retarded because that goes without saying. It's obvious. What I said was Honda's popularity STARTED(KEYWORD: S-T-A-R-T-E-D) in the 70s, not the 80s. Honda was already becoming popular by the time the 80s came around. (giggles)
And for further humiliation:
So, you're denying the fact that you:
1. Blamed GWB for "outsourcing" even though it was already a problem before he got into office?
2. Claimed that "conservative republicans want to eliminate immigration and specifically immigration"???
3. Stated that "Honda started in the 80s"?
4. Claimed that the growth rate of "outsourcing" is "ten-fold" since GWB was in office(even though the growth rate of "outsourcing" in GWB's 1st term was about 1%, compared to 10% before he took office?)
5. Stated "Honda didn't start becoming popular until the 80s"?
6. Claim you have a POLITICAL SCIENCE DEGREE, but refuse to say where you got your degree from?
Had enough? Of course not.
Where are all your friends, ricechex? I'm used to multiple people coming at me in defense of their friends, but I guess either you have no friends here or your friends know how wrong you are and don't want to look as stupid as you already do.
Give it up, ricechex. I've already proven you wrong numerous times. Better to just accept you were wrong, you have no degree, and you have no clue what you're talking about instead of struggling to keep up in a debate that's way over your head.
But hey, the longer you keep refusing to be wrong, the more ridiculous you look.
After I'm done with you, you'll be too afraid to even speak up in this forum again