Originally Posted by khchris(original)
So, you're denying the fact that you:
1. Blamed GWB for "outsourcing" even though it was already a problem before he got into office?
2. Claimed that "conservative republicans want to eliminate immigration and specifically immigration"???
3. Stated that "Honda started in the 80s"?
4. Claimed that the growth rate of "outsourcing" is "ten-fold" since GWB was in office(even though the growth rate of "outsourcing" in GWB's 1st term was about 1%, compared to 10% before he took office?)
5. Stated "Honda didn't start becoming popular until the 80s"?
6. Claim you have a POLITICAL SCIENCE DEGREE, but refuse to say where you got your degree from?
I'm sure I've left one or two of your statements that I've proven wrong.
Had enough? Of course not.
Don't worry, khchris. He just copied and pasted the entire thing anyways.