also, am i the only one who HATES shrek? i don't like him as a character, i don't like any of the characters, i didn't find it funny, clever, etc. though as far as overrated shitrilogies is concerned, pirates is way worse. god. i saw the first pirates -- which was, what, 2 hours and 45 minutes long? -- and was bored out of my fucking mind worse than anything. never bothered with the second one, though i hear the new one is the worst of the 3.
and before anyone says "DUH u DON't LIKe It CAUSe IT's POPuLAR!!!!", i can't wait for the new die hard! and i loved the spiderman films (3 was a fucking mess, but it was hilarious! almost as funny as sam raimi's role in thou shalt not kill... except/stryker's war -- if you haven't seen that movie, check it out)...
oh, I also watched rabid grannies again this week. decent lil movie. troma rules.