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Old 05.06.2006, 05:38 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by ricechex
k, here we go.
by the way yr linky, no worky. we'll start with the basics since yr foundation of understanding is so minute..

"The North American Free Trade Agreement, known usually as NAFTA, is a free trade agreement among Canada, the United States, and Mexico. NAFTA went into effect on January 1, 1994. NAFTA is also used to refer to the tripartite trading bloc of North American countries".

NAFTA was relatively small scale and scope as u can tell. 3 countries. It has very little to do with explosion of what we term, outsourcing, today. Since the W Bush tenure, we have had large technological companies outsourcing to countries all over the world, namely to India. This involved many different nations that NAFTA had nothing to with. The explosion of outsourcing, world wide, is happening now!

By name alone,it should tell u it had do with free trade, and tarrifs,and a trade bloc, with set goals to help trade... not outsource, b/c they hadn't even identified it in the way that we see it today. NAFTA merely fed the eventual idea for mad outsourcing. Bush continues to praise it, and it is rolling along, taking jobs away from hard working americans. Like u, he may not understand it.

..and this is a load of shit right here:

" Why is it a hot issue right now? Simple: the economy is not doing great, no job growth. When you have no job growth, the obvious finger to point is "outsourcing". BTW, they are not pointing fingers at the president because of "outsourcing"...they want the president to "stop" the amount of outsourcing that has existed BEFORE he came into office".

Read my paragraph again. we're outsourcing huge technological companies like IBM and HP,manufacturing to China, and port security nowadays. where ya been"? That would never have been done during Clinton.That's all GW,baby.

more shit:

"Did you ever hear about the gas crisis in the 70s? Of course not, because you don't know about it. That's why HONDA'S began to get popular during the 70s, because not only did it pass EPA standards, but it got better gas milage than any American car in that market".

and the truth:

haha u said yrself previously that in the late 70's it STARTED. but that is not defined as the boom. the Japanese car BOOM would in be the 80's, and that's a fact. It had the whole decade to boom. Check car sales decade vs. decade. or ask a mechanic for god's sakes.jeez..

more crap:

"Wrong. Infact, Outsourcing has been declining in growth every year since Bush has been in office. REMEMBER: poor economic policies and shitty president = shitty economy = shitty business = less overseas business = less "outsourcing" growth.
Here's more proof to shut you up:

the truth:

we haven't even hit the peak of outsourcing yet. Your chart ends in 2003! It's 2006. The numbers over the last couple years will blow that away.The important thing is this: the right has accomplished in just five years the creation of a low-wage economy, a country filled with high-skilled workers so desperate for jobs they will work for peanuts. Bush and his econmic advisors continue to openly support these policies. But you're still talking about NAFTA. That's "old news".haha. Bush sees the results of outsourcing, and is dumb enough to push CAFTA.

well, i think you've had enough here..u must have known i'd come back around on ya. but, this is getting boring to be honest.

Take notes:

1. NAFTA allowed AMERICAN COMPANIES to HIRE MEXICAN WORKERS(otherwise known as "outsourcing"). This was in 1994. This was the "trigger-affect" that let hi-tech companies to invest in areas such as Asia (computer chips...that's why the price of RAM when way up BEFORE GEORGE W. TOOK OFFICE one year).

NAFTA was the starting point, it dramatically increased every years. The growth rate at which outsourcing was happening DECLINED WHEN GEORGE BUSH ACTUALLY GOT VOTED IN OFFICE THE FIRST TIME.

U.S. imports of both goods and services grew by 10½ percent a year from 1992 to 2000 in real terms, but by only 1½ percent a year from 2000 to 2003. Nobody complained about losing jobs to imports while imports grew rapidly. The pretense that Americans are losing jobs to imports did not gain political traction until imports stagnated. Turning facts on their head is, of course, a familiar symptom of election-year mania.

Here is the problem: Just as U.S. imports grow only when the U.S. economy grows (and shrink only in recessions), other countries' imports also grow only if and when their economies grow. Strong economies, including ours, need more industrial imports and can afford to buy them. Unfortunately, economies of our biggest trading partners have not been strong.

In other words, like I told you before, when the economy grows, outsourcing grows. When the economy does bad, less outsourcing happens.

Here's a link:

Word advice: better check when companies started hiring overseas and started setting up shop outside the US. Squashed. You're wrong and you look foolish for just trying to debate this obvious fact.


2. Wrong. I said the 1st honda plant opened in 77. Why would they open a plant in America if SALES WERE NOT SKYROCKETING??? Duh. I also said the "start" of honda's impact on the car industry started in the mid 70s. That part is true. Now, if you're talking about #1 SALES, well that didn't happen until the mid-late 90s, my friend.


3. How can "outsourcing" blow away at a growth rate just in 3 years, especially since our economy has been struggling???

If what you say is true, then our market should be EXPLODING, which is not the case. While it may have improved, it is nowhere near what it was before Bush took office. Keep denying this, scout! Again, doesn't take but simple high school economics to understand when the market suffers ALL BUSINESS SUFFERS. A market is not going to "grow" unless the companies do well. And companies have not done well since Bush took office. What part of this do you not understand?

Also, you better look at when IBM, HP, and even Intel started "outsourcing"

There is no way you have a Political Science degree, absolutely no way.

Also, why have you "dodged" the question of, "where did you get your degree?

My guess is that you don't have a degree and you lied about it.

Everything you've said was wrong and does not reflect the education of ANYONE with any kind of degree, not even in fitness medicine.(hehehe)

So to reiterate:

1. You said "George W Bush" was the root of the problem of "outsourcing" when infact NAFTA being passed started the trigger-affect of the 90s outsourcing explosion. You couldn't have been more wrong, but I're still in highschool and don't know anything about current events, which is why you post news usually already posted by someone else on this forum before you.

2. You said the problem with this country is because people are divided, "specifically the right". was Bush of all presidents able to win the election if the "right" was split??? I think you better understand that it is the green party who is taking votes away from the Democrats, showing a split in loyalty within ideals closer aligned to eachother.

3. Ricechex-"This side are the same people who push outsourcing..again, Bush influence."

Um, "outsourcing" started before GWB and exploded in the 90s, not during his term in office(either one). LOL, you thought GWB was the problem of outsourcing, even though companies were outsourcing BEFORE he got into office??? (giggles!)

4. Deleting posts only shows how wrong you were. You said Honda started in the 80s(LOL!). Well it started 40+ years ago, my friend.

5. Another post you deleted was where you said the conservative republicans wanted to "eliminate immigration, specifically illegal immigration".(LOL!) Not even sure what you were thinking when you said this one(giggles)

6. Another post you deleted, you said it was republican fiscal policies that started the outsourcing problem of the 90s. Well, it was Bill Clinton who passed it, and if I recall our economy did rather well with Bill Clinton in office, a Democratic president with beliefs of fiscal policies closer aligned to the republicans and not the democratics.

You lied about getting a degree, you were wrong when you said GWB was the root of the problem of outsourcing, you were wrong when you thought "Honda started in the 80s", you were wrong when you said they didn't make an impact in the car industry until the 80s(it was the 70s, btw), you were wrong to generalize "conservative republicans want to eliminate immigration...", you said outsourcing grew "10 fold" since Bush was in office, even though our economy went to shit when he got voted in office the 1st time(hehehe), I missing anything else?

There is ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY no way you have ANY degree whatsoever. I'd be willing to bet you're only in highschool, maybe 1st year community college? But even they have a better understanding of the obvious.

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