Originally Posted by atari 2600
anonymous flaming is a federal crime.
that's why i request that khchris publish his name & address. all i have to do is report the posts & charges follow after that. i have already made a preresiquite attempt to determine the information & have made my position clear. as much as i do not wish to bind myself to the irritating situation, it won't require too much effort on my part. Doing what I am doing now & trying to reach some kind of mutual agreement does require effort on my part, however, & it's effort that I should have to make but have to because I am being flamed on a public internet message board. A last warning has been made today. At this point, I still doubt this will come to a legal issue, but he keeps pushing me & his posts are causing me personal discomfort. For instance, Mother's Day weekend is coming up soon & I haven't spoken to my parents in so long & he's posting nonsense about my parents & my relationship to my parents & other things that aren't true. I am whining, but I am also genuinely annoyed. He's already ignore listed. If the guy can just keep me out of his posts completely then I will promise to do the very same.
Atari, do you really think the gov't is going to do anything about someone saying "you still live with your mommy and daddy"?
Of course not.
Atari isn't going to do anything and guaranteed, nothing will happen because his complaint will be behind MILLIONS of more important complaints.
Now, if I emailed him and harassed him, then I would get in trouble.
This is a message board, dude. Grow up. You're not going to do anything about someone saying you "live with your mommy and daddy".
Chances are, you would be the "joke of the day" and be laughed at. They would probably say, "why don't you just ignore him or not go to the board".
Remember Atari, they will go through all your posts when you've attacked people as well even if they do consider your lame complaint. They would just see the same thing we all see here: a emotionally disturbed teenager who spends way too much time and concern on the internet.
I cannot believe you guys are taking this guy serious!!!
Do you guys have better sense than this???