mon frere...
the question is not one of defending oneself when unfarily attacked. the question is, do you want to bite the bait of people with psychological problems who try to lure you into their game?
a good discussion is a good discussion. said unnamed persons *might* show up in the guise of "reasonable" debate; but haven't we learned not to be fooled? that it is useless to argue, not because one might be right or wrong, but because the quest for truth is not really the issue when the counterpart is not in for the truth, but for feeding some kind of pathological need for superiority at all costs?
i actually happened to agree with a lot of his points but refrained from commending him on it because 1) i know for him it's only a means to an end (baiting), and 2) the style of the delivery-- an important truth peppered with insults and generalizations. so the points he made were tainted.
i think truncated called him on his game & made it quite transparent. ask her perhaps to repost. and i have done so in the past as well, more bluntly & with less skill. that's why we were singled out recently-- me as "the biggest pile of shit", she as "ugly". hilarious.
if you want to really put the hurt on this individual, i suggest you start treating him with the appropiate contempt, or disdain, rather than giving him undue importance. he feeds on it. starve him! it's cheaper & more satisfying than getting lawyers involved. you want to
spend your money on
that? im quite short of cash these days so pay me for the advice & save yourself the trouble