You cant tell them to fuck off, you'll most likely lose yr job. You have to remain polite with them no matter how much they act like belligerent assholes. Trust me, I've workd custyonmer service jobs for 3 years now (someone fuckin shoot me please), and good customer service is key to maintaining yr job and yr store.
And whenever some douche-bag cusatomer gets too out of control for me, I just pawn him/her off on my manager. So that way I don't have to deal with their shit. =)
I would like to know why so many customers think it is ok to treat people in Customer Service like we're pieces of shit? Most of us are just young college students tryin to make a buck to help us through school, and pot and beer. Yet we're treated like beasts of burden for any asshole with a self-inflated opinion. I hate that old addage, "The customer is always right". Fuck that shit! The customer is always an asshole!!!!
"No way, man! Cuz dyin' would be a stone groove! Got any messages for Jimi Hendrix?"
"Yes. Pick up your puppy."