holy fuck.
it must be the moon.
I've had call after call of people screaming at me today. I sent out about 200 letters telling people to pay up or face collections, so I guess I was asking for it. but is it my fault they don't pay their bills????
the last guy ended up hanging up on me because I told him that I wasn't going to continue the conversation unless he stopped the profanities. granted, I have a mouth like a sailor, but NOT when I'm calling someone about my bill.
I ALWAYS start off as "Mr. Nice Guy" but if I'm being verbally abused, I let them know that it's not acceptable and that the conversation is going to end unless they change their tone. they either stop the abuse and pay me or I send them off to a collection agency.
Note: "Mr. Bullshit-Asshole" has until June 9 to cough up the cash.