Originally Posted by Heroic Dose
alcohol is as bad as any of them.
I don't think people are going to run out and try all of these drugs just because of this. I don't think it will change much and realistically until they legalize the sale, terrible drug wars and violent crimes will continue.
I will agree that it's a tough decision....I don't use or condone use of the hard drugs but at the same time drug wars are awful and devastating in their own right and govt's are trying to figure out ways to get a grip on them. If they legalized them entirely and set limits as to where they can be sold then all of this violent crime bordering Texas with rival gangs over drug trade would probably cease. It's a tough answer to figure out though, that's for sure!
You just contradicted yourself. You said that drugs don't ruin communities, people do, then you said that if the gov't changed the way drugs were dealt with it would lessen gang violence.
People will always find an excuse to be violent.
Let me revise my previous statement to "drug culture is destructive"
There is a difference between alcohol and illegal drugs. You can drink alcohol and not get drunk. You can drink it in appropriate ammounts. That is not true with most illegal drugs, except marijuana. You could drink 3 beers a week and be a completely functioning person and have no problems. If you toke up 3 times a week, you are probably going to start making up conspiracy theories and wearing petuli oil.