Well, I guess the first book to really have a big impact on me was probably Sebastien Faulks' Birdsong. I guess I was about 12 or 13 when I read it and it really made me think alot about love and sex and death and stuff in a way that most other people my age weren't.
The Outsider was a big one for me too, particularly in that it was precisely his honesty that got him condemed to death, and that gave me a lot of food for thought.
Also the Odyssey because I am a real nerd and I love the ancient Greeks, and this was the first piece of Greek literature that I read. It is fantastic and I would advise anybody and everybody to read it. It does take a bit of perseverence but it is worth it. Also the Iliad, which is better in many ways, but wasn't as life changing for me.
I think if kissing someone could make them pregnant
the last person I kissed would have had their kid by now...