Originally Posted by Washing Machine
I've absolutely had enough. Everywhere I go people are calling bands and artists 'Sellouts'. Everytime a band does something someone doesn't like they call them 'a bunch of sellouts'. Its probebly the least intelligent criticism one can can give any art. Why wallow in you own ignorance.
....and what is so bad about making money. Money is not a problem if you dont become obsessed with it and can handle it with dignity (not splashing it around on expenisve cars, 4 houses, extravangant jewels etc, etc).
Quit being such a whiny over-dignified cunt. Who made you the king of what derogatory terms are appropriate for bands? What if a band actually did sell-out? It's not unheard of you, you know.
You're full of hog wash. Hog wash.