Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
My dreams aren't helping me on this one. This girl has invaded them, and the opposite of what happens in real life is happening in dreams. So pretty much good stuff.
With the girls I've gone out with, my dreams were bad, and rightfully so.
I've never had good dreams about a real girl.
yr pretty tied up on her, huh?
you say she's going back to poland soon, so you know there wont be a long term relationship there anyway... but i don't know what i'm trying to say.
it's sweet that you like her so much. i think it's really a good idea to spend as much time as possible with someone before you start launching into things. i met my current boyfriend in a club, but he didn't try it on with me there and then, like a lot of guys would, but he took my number and asked me out (in the sense of, would you like to go to a show?, not would you like to be my girlfriend?) and we hung out quite a lot before he made any moves on me. i liked it because it made me feel like he actually liked me, rather than just thought i was hot, or whatever.
i think its a good idea to go on dates. it's fun and i always think they're pretty exciting, and like someone else said, kissing someone at the end of a date is an awesome feeling. also it will let her know that you think she's really special.
i guess a lot of this advice is pretty pointless now that she has already said no, but honesty is the best policy my friend, and if you talk to her about how you feel you will at least make her feel good about things. and you know, there wont be any long term awkwardness, because she's going away
i hope things work out for you!