Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I'm only a 21 year old when it comes to actually age. When it comes to girls, I'm a 10 year old. When it comes to having experience with girls, I'm a 3 year old. When it comes to music other than Bowie, DEVO, Queen, and assorted new way, I'm a 5 year old. When it comes to being a nerd, I'm about 19.
Burying my head in star wars novels I sort of alienated myself and cast myself as a nerd. In a lot of ways I've broken out of that nerdy little boy role. But in a few ways I haven't.
He he.....just get out there and be yourself man....it'll work out. As lame as it seems, have you tried talking to some chicks online? There are surely tons of ones out there that are into the same stuff that you are into/ those who are just as awkward about dating etc. as you are.