The thing is, right, when you're with a girl it should be all but self-evident that she wants more than a friendship with you by the way she conducts herself. You should be able to read her body language, her communication, her actions... If you have a lady friend who you're interested in and you think might reciprocate, wait for the right situation, wait until you're pretty damned sure, and just rock and roll. What's the worst that happens? She says no? She'd have said that even if you'd just asked. Plus *you* look like the guy in control if you read her right and make the move.
Naturally there's scope for problems, but then relationships are a minefield at the best of times. My current girlfriend and I had been friends with for some time, we would hang out together plenty, whatever... One night, watching a film... moves are made... end of story.
I don't know; if you don't know the girl so well pouncing on her might not be well advised, but if you sense things are going on... the situation presents itself... I'd be dancing.
Album of the Week:
Pylon Gyrate 1980