Originally Posted by !@#$%!
I can't think of a worse job than that.
well actually the job is good but it's the career path that sucks.
in amerikkka, school teachers get better money than your average university prof, unless the prof stops teaching & becomes an administrator. if that's whay you want get an MBA and become a business person, i think.
but while the teacher will do perfectly well w/ a master's degree, the prof will be required to toil for years in poverty and obscurity in the pursuit of a doctorate which may or may not get him the desired position. especialy i'm talking about the humanities. the humanities are dead.
oh and college students are worse idiots to babysit, because they are older and should know better, but still behave like overgrown children, and act like twatty customers who are not being served.
i think you might be delusional 
That is certainly not the case in Wales. They get paid far, far, far more and are treated by the students as being very cool. I've known lecturers to invite their classes to parties and everything. Even In Sixth Form Colleges (im going to uni in sept, im not sure if you know what sixth form is) The teachers never get treated like shit. In High School its very, very different. The kids rip shit into them at every point they can.
By the way if I do lecture it will be in 'Music Technology'