Screen Edge has a good selection of videos including:
DESTROY ALL RATIONAL THOUGHT - William Burroughs and Brion Gysin - DVD Video
The FINAL ACADEMY DOCUMENTS - William Burroughs - DVD Video
I've only seen this one.
THEE FILMS - William Burroughs - VHS Video
This unique collection comprises all the films made during the lengthy period of collaboration between William Burroughs, Brion Gysin, and the radical British film-maker Anthony Balch. In addition to the finished works the video includes a 50 minute film called 'Ghosts at No. 9' which uses cut-ups of film and superimpositions, material from the extensive archive of Psychick TV.
Director. Anthony Balch.
Featuring William S. Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Ian Somerville, Antony Balch. BW & Colour.
Anything you can /imagine is real