Originally Posted by !@#$%!
man you clearly have never been right next to the stage at a 16 bitch pileup gig--those "16 bitches" violated my ear drums as if with icepicks-- the pain lasted a while and they rang for 3 days.
I made sure, at ATP, that I got there early for 16BPU. Right at the front, dead centre. I didn't cover or plug my ears once. It was rad. For some reason they don't make me want to.
Unlike My Cat Is An Alien . I admit I had to leave the building during MCIAA's set. Something about the pitch of that siren-like wailing sound they had going made my ears want to fold in on themselves. I couldn't take that one, not even from near the back.
Um, rules? Don't grope girls/women in the crowd no matter how squished it gets. And if you're going to do nothing but purposely push backwards then heavily fall into people (presumably in the hope of causing a domino-like fatal trampling fiasco?) expect to be elbowed fiercely in the face/neck/testicles and kicked HARD in the shins.