[16:23] <shentov> sonic down syndrome midget porn anyone?
[16:24] <marleypumpkin> rather ripped: does it suck?
[16:24] <marleypumpkin> or do i suck>?
[16:24] <shentov> you suck, rather ripped haven't came
[16:24] <AThousandThreads> havenīt heard it yet but you suck
[16:24] <marleypumpkin> my ears have heard that shit bro!
[16:24] <shentov> what what
[16:24] <AThousandThreads> your ears suck bro
[16:24] <shentov> wait, you've been fucked up yr ears?
[16:24] <shentov> with a chainsaw?
[16:24] <shentov> post a link then!
[16:24] <marleypumpkin> my ears have been totally blown off by prurient live but that's another story
[16:25] <shentov> haha i told you not to eat the jack
[16:26] <marleypumpkin> rather ripped = rather disappointing
[16:26] <shentov> you'd rather stay outta here buddy
[16:26] <shentov> go pack anothr one
[16:26] <marleypumpkin> ok, we'll change the topic
[16:26] <marleypumpkin> fav sy side project
[16:26] <shentov> no, better change the site
[16:27] <marleypumpkin> dream aktion unit is hard to beat...
[16:27] <marleypumpkin> although i have a soft spot for mirror/dash
[16:27] <marleypumpkin> lee ranaldo/birchville cat motel is incredible!
[16:28] <marleypumpkin> anyone heard that shit?!
[16:28] <marleypumpkin> what about new diskaholics?
[16:28] <marleypumpkin> it's okay
[16:28] <marleypumpkin> preferred earlier material meself