One of my works has been commissioned to this Micronation/collective in Vienna, Austria.
State of Sabotage
SoS is a secular, sovereign and democratic state.
The formation "Sabotage" was founded by artist
Robert Jelinek in the area of the Documenta IX in Kassel in June 1992. Sabotage" began operating in 1992 as a small project and collective, later 1994 as Sabotage Communications- an art organisation and music label, than a union of various sublabels brought together by their shared way of thinking and similar style of expression through different media. Since 1992 more than 100 international "public sabotages" have taken place in form of performances, actions, events and exhibitions. There are a number of flexible subdivisions which emerge as the needs arise and dissolve under their own inertia. Each of the sublabels primarily works within its medium, nevertheless their bonds are firm and fruitful.

Artwork by
Heimo Zobernig
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^^^SoS Entrance^^^
SoS State Art