Originally Posted by SecretGirl13
Not to rain on your parade, but actually you'd be hard-pressed to find black and tan in an Irish bar. People aren't overreacting-- and I'm sure as someone with "irish heavy heritage," you know that anything that reminds the Irish of hundreds of years of British occupation and oppression is a bit of a touchy subject. Enough of one that people die over it. Violent militias may be funny to you, but they aren't so cute on an island that is still very much feeling the aftermath of independence and still has enough bombs being found (after "disarming") to blow the whole place to the bottom of the atlantic. 
So why don't you go to every bar that serves a "Black and Tan" and piss in the bartenders face?
Seriously, it is like crucifying David Bowie for referring to Chinese swastikas in China Girl.
No need to take everything so seriously.

Being sensitive over fucking ice cream is why there are still problems in the world.