Originally Posted by !@#$%!
last night or was it the other night? no, last night i saw hm running with scissors.
pretty good! liked the way it was shot for the most part (starts w/ this frame flooded with intense yellows) and while this tends to get lost in one's attention as the movie progresses it's still a very deliciously shot film.
I know this would belong to another thread, but since !@#$% brought up the subject of the movie (which I'm anxious for it to show here, mainly because of Alec Baldwin

I finished reading the book RUNNING WITH SCISSORS some months ago from a friend in New York. I didn't enjoy it that much. It's an insane thing, and thinking the guy really lived through that well...But I don't think Augusten Burroughs is such a good writer (c'mon, he was compared to WILLIAM Burroughs), as the characters don't look human, they lack a motivation or something. He seems just an observer (which in fact he was). Maybe he didn't process all of that shit completely or enough to make it deeper. Well I shouldn't complain, at least he went on when most of us would collapse. Anyway as I said, I'm looking forward to the movie.