[15:23] <jimlou> non pensavo fosse un forum internazionale
[15:23] <shentov> omg
[15:23] <shentov> so what comes from that
[15:24] <Grete> yeahh we're internatinal
[15:24] <Grete> fron all over the worl
[15:24] <Grete> world
[15:24] <shentov> hey Hi Italian sonic ragazzi
[15:24] <jimlou> ieri sono passato da qui e mi sono messo a parlare inglese con un ragazzo che figuraccia...sono proprio scarso!
[15:24] <Grete> ahahah great
[15:24] <Grete> english
[15:24] <shentov> bbrrrr
[15:24] <Grete> ,please
[15:24] <Hyde> io è cheglio che stia zitto al riguardo
[15:24] <shentov> lets speak english or i'm gonna post in bulgarian dudes]
[15:25] <Grete> wowww
[15:25] <Grete> so
[15:25] <shentov> xaxa, ей путки заÑпали
[15:25] <Grete> what
[15:25] <shentov> hi hi cyrillic dont work
[15:25] <Grete> translate, please
[15:25] <Grete> ahahahahahaah
[15:25] <jimlou> cavolo non pensavo fosse così incasinato il bulgaro
[15:25] <shentov> i mean crazy italians i dont get a word from what u said
[15:26] <Grete> jimlou!!!!write in english
[15:26] <shentov> bulgaro what?
[15:26] <jimlou> uff...
[15:26] <shentov> hey jim!
[15:26] <Grete> bulgaro is veri veri very difficult
[15:26] <shentov> freaking shit
[15:26] <shentov> haha quite a lot
[15:26] <shentov> Ludi Italianci= Crazi Italians
[15:26] <shentov> Bulgarian lessons online man
[15:27] <Grete> wow
[15:27] <Grete> Ludi italianci
[15:27] <Grete> sounds strange really
[15:27] <shentov> hey you can talk bad shit about me and i won't even realize
[15:27] <Grete> in italian
[15:27] <Grete> pazzi italiani
[15:27] <shentov> pazzi Bulgari
[15:28] <Grete> ahahahah
[15:28] <shentov> Sonic Youth e nai-dobrata grupa
[15:28] <shentov> Sonic Youth is the best band
[15:28] <Grete> uhm now this discussion must be post
[15:28] <Grete> in the board
[15:28] <Grete> ahahahahahahahahahahahah
[15:28] <jimlou> no no no the velvet underground is the best band
[15:28] <jimlou> ahhahha
[15:29] <shentov> kool kool thing
[15:29] <Grete> uhm uhm
[15:29] <shentov> post it then
[15:29] <Grete> me
[15:29] <Grete> ahahahahahah
[15:29] <shentov> lou reed was a junkie
[15:29] <shentov> he is the best!
[15:29] <shentov> he know all in all two chords and deals it right
[15:30] <shentov> i would've done Nico if i was a hip dude back then
[15:30] <shentov> she seems to be hot chick
[15:30] <Grete> yeah
[15:30] <shentov> i listen to Shellac right now
[15:31] <shentov> how bout you
[15:31] <jimlou> yeah lou is easy but effective!!!
[15:31] <shentov> yeah you could do smack and have fun while listening VU
[15:31] <jimlou> this is the secret!!!
[15:31] <shentov> lou was punk
[15:32] <shentov> and he didnt realized
[15:32] <shentov> but i love Husek Du
[15:32] <shentov> Husker, dammit
[15:32] <jimlou> simply I (l) lou!
[15:33] <Grete> so, friends' I have to escape
[15:33] <shentov> (I) looks like a i-net sign for a pussy
[15:33] <Grete> so post this discussion ahahahahahah
[15:33] <Grete> byeeeeeeeeeeeee
[15:33] <Hyde> bye
[15:33] <shentov> lou is quite good, no two opinions