Originally Posted by Dead-Air
"Speculative fiction" is kind of a broad term to include all of SF, Fantasy, Horror, and all points in between. I don't have the same chip on my shoulder about it that you do, but I do agree that the broadness leads to ambiguity. Pavane, and other alternate history books such as PKD's Man in the High Castle or any number of Harry Turtledove's books, are essentially a sub-set of Science Fiction. However, Pavane in particular borders on Steampunk and Science Fantasy as well. It's pretty good, a look at the thread in our message board will find me having somewhat mixed feelings about it (I use the name ljim2000 therebouts). Overall, it's quite well written, however.
I do reccomend the Author Central forum from the Science Fiction board as a great place to get all kinds of conversational reccomendations of SF to read since you say you're looking for that.
My upset with the speculative fiction term basically boils down to the fact that it seems like a cheap ploy to dress up sci-fi and make it acceptable for people that think sci-fi is for geeks. Same with graphic novels, it's a comic for fuck sake. (although I must admit I will use the term graphic novel...I am a prick)