Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
its pretty much a PS2 that does not take forever to load.
the system isnt worth the money.
No shit, that is what I've been saying the whole time. The Wii is better.
Originally Posted by EMMAh
I didn't think it would be worth it. I laughed at the people who lined up in front of Future Shop the night before to get one.
It blows my mind that people are willing to spend $550+ to get this thing right away when they can wait a couple months and get the damn thing and it's games for cheaper. It's not like as soon as it came out all other game consoles turned to shit.
My dad bought it because he likes having all the new stuff first. Plus, It'd be longer than a couple months for it to be cheaper.
Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Isn't it still by far the cheapest Blu-Ray disc player that there is, game system aside?
Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
well, true
but eff Blu Ray, HD-DVD is where its at
I haven't looked into it too much, but Blu-Ray has more space than HD-DVD. I don't know what advantages HD-DVD has.