Weird one it was. Well i had several, but usually never remember them. But this one was different. I was at school, and we were having an assembly with some random comedian. He started cracking jokes and arsing around.....then suddenly he introduced J. Mascis, who slowly walked onto the stage, with the spotlight following each step. They talked for agges, n ages, and nobody was lisening to anything except me. Everyone around me was pissing about an not paying any attention, but i was strangely focused on Jay, and this comedian. After a while, the comedian said....."Thanks for coming J, it was a plesure meeting you...Everyone lets hear it for Jay".....and therewas just silence....not even i applauded, or any of the teachers....Later on i was searching the school for him....lolol....and found him in my Music lesson. He was standing at the side, starring at a TV??!?! I walked up to him with aprehension, and said "Hey Jay.....great show" or somethin corny like that. I asked him if i could get a picture on my phone....cos this was an incredibly special moment. "J, i know how much you hate fans that approach you and tell you how much they love you....." and he nodded, and suddenly got reaaly agressive, like he took it really seriously and was having a mental breakdown....or something. Then i realised id forgot my phone, and was really gutted.....I told him i really love Your living all over me....but his stuff after green mind got a bit poppy. I remember asking him some techniques, and tips on playing....which he gave some cool answers. So i basicly just met J an chatted to him for a bit. It seemed so fucking realsitic, i swear. But it was really, definately cool.