Name: I use quite a few. Ricardo Wang relatively often.
Age: Older than most of you, but still younger than anyone in Sonic Youth...
Jams: Sonic Youth, Sun Ra, John Cage, Jackie-O-Motherfucker, Eno, Celebration (just discovered them Thursday night!), Legendary Pink Dots, Albert Ayler, Green Milk from the Planet Orange, Melvins, Autechre, Kraftwerk, Sun City Girls, Dead Moon, Wipers, Unwound, Harry Partch, Velvet Underground, Negativland, Zoviet France, Current 93, Throbbing Gristle, Screamers, Suicide
Pictures: Wings of Desire, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Planet of the Apes (original!), A Clockwork Orange, Brazil
Those are
Motion Pictures. Pictures I
take are here.
Random Fact: I do a weekly radio show that you can listen to online (and even download as an MP3) called
What's This Called?
My band is the
Dead Air Fresheners.