has anyone seen any of his movies? i have seen:
The kid
The Great Dictator
i have seen some of his short films on tv, but i don't know what they were called or how to find them. anyways, does anyone else like him? i like the movies i have seen him in, but some seem kind of boring. Limelight for example was long and boring. but i still like him. The kid was the greatest movie i have seen of his so far. Awesome awesome!! i love that movie. I remember when i was in 11th grade i did a report on him in History class, but it was an assigned subject so i really didn't take to much interest in it back then. Man i was so stupid, i bet if i wrote my report now it would have been really good instead of the half assed shit i turned in cause now i actually like chaplin and care. anyhoo what do you guys think of him?