DOOM/SLUDGE (sleep, electric wizard, Om, Eyehategod etc)
particular early 90's Hip Hop (Dre, Wu-Tang, Biggie)
Early 70's US punk (The Stooges, Richard Hell, Rockets From the Tombs)
Early 80's US punk (Void, Black Flag, Bad Brains, Husker Du, Minutemen)
Wolf Eyes
The Replacements
Albini Bands
Grey Daturas
Yellow Swans
Psyche (want to know more)
Black metal (a recent interest, favourites include Darkthrone, Akitsa, Burzum, Leviathan, Xasthur)
Drone/Noise stuff
I don't give a fuck thats the problem. I see a motherfuckin cop i don't dodge them.