Originally Posted by EMMAh
They're usually at the top corners of buildings. Whoever does them gets up on the roofs of buildings and does it. I think there's one either near that bookstore off Rideau or the Subway off Rideau (is that the same place? hahah) and I also think I saw once drawn on the side of Mavericks/Dekcuf.
Ooohhhhhhhh, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about now. There's one at the top of babylon that you can see if you're standing from the deppaneur across the street. They're neato looking in comparison to the pacmans.
Originally Posted by EMMAh
That's really cool, I had no idea it was there. Where did you learn about it?
A few friends and I were just walking down the street and noticed a home-made painted box labeled "Swap box: Take an item and return the favor" screwed to a board of wood right beside the rideau center and it was filled with things like lighters and matchbooks, but people usually left expired bus transfers and pennies (I'm sure all the homeless people would rob it if they put any higher). I always stopped by it everytime I was downtown but then one day it was ripped off, and all that was left was the logo and screwholes. Some of the homeless people are really bad downtown, I'm sure one of them did it