Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
The following is 100% true:
I had a good friend who was engaged to this girl named Jennifer. She called off their engagement and informed my friend that she was seeing another guy. She was in medical school at the time and she was messing around with some foreign guy who was here studying to be a doctor.
My friend moved from here up to College Station, Texas. At the time, he was a fulltime employee of the United States Postal Service, but the only opening where he was moving to was a rural part-time carrier. They told him that after a few months, they would probably have a fulltime position available for him. A few months came and went and he was still part-time. To help make ends meet, he got a part-time job at Target. I'm not sure why (it sure wasn't money), but he loved working at Target and gave up the Post Office to go full-time with Target. He loved working there.
A year or so later, he found out that his old girlfriend was now engaged to this foreign doctor. Their wedding shower was going to take place in Florida. They were registered at Target and my friend started checking their registry every few days.......this is when things started to get good.
Each time he would check the registry, he would scan an item and scanning it would remove the item from their "want list." He did this for over a two week period and single handily removed just about every item on the list. Of course, all the friends and family who were going to attended the shower......they were unable to find anything to purchase from the "want list" on the registry.
The big day came and when it came time to open the presents at the bridal shower, no one had anything from the list. OH - the people attending showed up with some sort of gifts (mostly gift cards), but no one had the actually things they wanted.
My friend ended up getting fired and it's one of the best stories that I know of
Hey Jennifer - if you somehow end up reading this......
haha nice, totally worth it. Good read!
Oh and TheDom, you should make a YSI link for the videos, that would be interesting to watch