Originally Posted by Bastian
Welcome back to the world of "duck and cover".. we`re in deep shit.
And it`s even worse for the people IN north korea, because now, noone from the outside can EVER help them to get rid of the stalinist regime. They`re lost, and there`s no more hope. Kim-Young-Il and his sucessors are untouchable now, and a revoution from inside is pretty much impossible too, North Korea being a totalitarian police state. There`s not even hope that it will just collapse like the Soviet Union, because it HAS already collapsed. It can`t get any worse..
Iran will follow, and get the bomb in a few years. Now maybe even faster, if NK helps them out.. and then we`ll have the holocaust of our time. 
I agree, it's pretty grim. I was an Air Force officer during Reagan's regime, and as frightening as the cold war seemed to me back then (I was stationed in West Germany, where I often thought the balloon would go up any day), this seems much more frightening. There's a real madman involved this time.