04.12.2006, 12:31 PM
the end of the ugly
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: I'm sitting right beside you
Posts: 839
Since my arriving to Kentucky I've managed to go kayacking in Buck Creek 3 times. The first time I went was a shallow water excursion in which I saw wild life, plants, valleys, cliff sides, & water falls ; it was 8 miles in 4 hours, not a bad little ride the water wasn't very rough. My second visit to Buck Creek was shorter I managed to take my mountain bike out for 3 miles until arriving @ Rainy rd. to hit the creek. This time my ride was for about a hour and a 1/2 & the ride was much faster due to the rains here in Ky. after the ride I found some fossils & a stone that once I cracked in half was lined with minerals inside (Hell of a day I must say). My third visit was intiation day. I went to the same creek with 6 friends, 3 on canoe and 3 in kayacks. Tha water was a bit rough this day (last Saturday) the previous night had rained and it was a high current not enough for white water, but enough to flip you of your boat. And that's what happend in this 20 mile journey that lasted 5 if not 6 hours. It was in the 50's cold as shit outside but we said fuck it!!! we pulled out from the same place I pulled out the first time. One of our friends was quick to flip over so my other friend waited for him as I went along the creek. As I keep going I run into a spot that water is rushing and unstable so I flip. I manage to take the kilt/skirt of the kayack which also serves as a wet suit for your upper body, then I'm trying to save my sneakers for being taken by the water. As the water drags me holding the kayack I'm freaking out thinking about hypothermia, fucking drowning & all the bullshit that can run threw a persons head. Then I told my self, chill you have life jacket & your ok. When immidiately I get clipped @ the knees by a falled tree I loose balance and the kayack, I'm floating along the creek in some cold as water for a good ten min. till I manage to catch up to the boat and get dragged down the creek some more. I say for some odd reason "come on God help me" and I pull over to shallow non turbulent waters, I empty my kayack of all its water and of I go on a grueling 12 more miles. The most I can say is that I had fun that day even if I flipped I took it in good stride. The moments in the water got tough when I came across still waters and swirls would form, talk about spinning out and getting lazy from having tierd arms. I was beat by the 17th mile but made it to the end, & had a good ride home.
Duppy know a who fi Frighten
"Drink Guinness & live,
Hate Guinness & die"
Lee "Scratch" Perry