Hayden quickly brought Porky back from the dead. He proclaimed "He's still the sexiest man alive, regardless of the missing eye and the whole zombie thing." Hayden was quickly distracted by his need for nicotine and lit up a cigarette. Cantankerous walked out of a bathroom drunk as hell and offered everyone lines. Hayden and others quickly obliged.
All of the sudden, turbulence kicked in. Schizophrenic room looked around and said "Wait, who is driving this muthaphucking plane?"
Her answer came quickly, the motherfucking snakes were driving the motherfucking plane.
Business carried on as usual for another good half hour with everyone drinking and smoking. Only a few lonely lurkers were left sitting in their seats as everyone else was walking around.
As with common fashion, the snakes made a quick stop at a local Westside Liquor to pick up more booze. Fortunately, those motherfuckers can land a plane in a tiny ass parking lot.
About another hour later, over the atlantic ocean, Samuel L Jackson, who obviously lurks on the boards, stood up and took care of the snake problem, forgetting one thing, no one else can fly a plane. Samuel L Jackson was quickly thrown off the plane and the other boardies held on for dear life. Except for Porky, he was already dead.
The plane landed on a desert island and who should meet the boardies there? None other than diesel and vodka goblin...