OK, listen up, gang. This is the first in a series of short stories for the SY board, similar in fashion to the Sonic Gossip story's part 1 and 2. We each take turns writing appraximately a page, keeping the style and themes of the previous writers page. Got it? Good! This first one is a silly one, but maybe in the future once we are more into it, there will be even a serious story! O, the possibilites!!! Here we go. OH! ONe last thing. When you want to write the next part, you must claim it, and then edit that post with yr page.
It started just as any ordinary saturday... sonic youth board members scurrying about on laptops and desktops, fighting and refuting other boardies.
At about 12:54 am HaydenAsche gets on and starts talking about Xiu Xiu and the Yellow Swans, and how he has better musical taste then everybody. Shortly after, Cantankerous shows up and starts being cynical. Hip Priest and Pookie are already at the infinitely thread?!?! and others.
While some board members lay sleeping in there cozy beds and sitting pondering existence at their respective hated places of employmentn others were enjoying their time, laughing and joking and poking fun at one another and prank calling Chris Habib.
Little did all these fanatiks and hooligans know that this.. would be the first of many, many Nights... of the living lost sonic youth board!!!
**ruff draft
sandwich klub 4 men.
Danny is a C.H.U.D.