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Old 09.27.2006, 04:06 PM   #91
the end of the ugly
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i tried a "socialist" way of living for 6 months in an israeli kibbutz. i hate to be told what to do by a committee. when i left i remember thinking "at least in capitalism i can choose how i die"

anyway you can't eliminate inequality by artificial means, as the drive to "inequality" in an inherent part of human psychology.

check out for example the film "moscow does not believe in tears" which was made with the sanction of the soviet regime & notice how many bourgeois traits people display. i'ts just like capitalism only stupider.

utlimately, there is someone who will work harder to buy a washing machine and someone who won't. not everyone is going to be "equal".

i believe in some level of social protections & safety nets. but too much socialism encourages dullness, routine, incompetence and inefficiency. and then there are ALWAYS going to be those who seek power, and those who remain powerless-- a fact of humal life.

the meaning of utopia is "there is no such place", and that is a very accurate name.

But you can't stop figthing man, I want the utopia. I'm not gonna give up. I'd rather try to change things, than whine about that thing's I'll never change, and that I just don't care..
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