Not a fan of performance art then?
To each his own.
Thanks for the input; I'll take the retooling suggestion under advisement.
I'll also add at this point that no one else on the board that is logged in tonight and reading recognized any of them either. This is most likely owing to the majority of porkmarras' messages being often flippantly mean-spirited and instantly forgettable.
I suppose birds of a feather do flock together, Toilet & Bowels.
I even started to get bored with it pretty quickly myself and tried to start posting ones that I felt would be associated with him more readily, but still no one noticed. Then, I posted the one with the word "rubbish" and thinking that might be a giveaway, went ahead and revealed what I had been doing. In hindsight, it now seems to me that I should have kept doing it, perhaps for days on end, just to get a chuckle at the daft cluelessness I was met with during the undertaking.
Cantankerous is like that most of the time, GeneticKiss.
It's the perma-rag phenomenon.