Well Fuzzy, let's start from the beginning. Dealing with the pubes. A good rule of thumb is to trim your bush down to the same length as the hair that surrounds it. By that I mean, it should be about the same length as the hair on your love trail and your upper thighs. That way, when you drop your pants, your penis won't look like it was run over with a lawn mower, it'll just look well-groomed.
For trimming, I'd recommend a pair of small hair-cutting scissors. You can get them just about anywhere— including places as vanilla and mass-market as Wal-Mart. You can also use these scissors to trim the straggling hairs at the tops of your thighs. A little bit of trimming goes a long way. Once again, try to keep all hair in that area about the same length.
Now onto the balls, taint and ass hole. I really think that if you want your lady to play with and enjoy these regions, they need to be shaved. It makes them much more appealing to a girl who is about to put her mouth on them. Of course, some ladies will disagree so if your likes 'em hairy, by all means they should stay that way.
If you are extra hairy, you may want to take a long soak in the tub before you try to shave your balls. It'll loosen the hair in the follicle and make it much easier to remove. If you are extra hairy, try trimming first, then shaving. To shave your balls... well, different strokes for different folks. You'll figure out what works best for you, but if I were you, I'd sit down in the tub, pull the skin taut and gently shave with a relatively new razor. Move the sack around until all visible hairs are gone. Then, I'd prop my leg up on the side of the tub and carefully navigate my perineum (taint), shaving just a little bit at a time. Be careful not to stray too far toward the thighs or you'll have hairless racing stripes on your ass. The same method applies to the ass hole. Gently!
Naughty Grooming Tips for Boys: