Originally Posted by Katy
Pressure has been building under Tokyo since 1923 (the great Kanto quake, when 200,000 people were killed). Since then Tokyo has been quite eerily quiet. And the population of the city has risen from 3million in 1923 to almost 30million today. The next time an earthquake of the same magnitude hits the city it is estimated MILLIONS of people could die. The potential economic cost has been guessed as high as $7 TRILLION.
I love Tokyo. But it is a city waiting to die. (Those are not actually my words, by the way. It was something said a few years ago by a natural disasters expert in a documentary about Japan. I always remembered it because it was so sad and such a sinister thing to say about such an alive place.)
yeah, but that's kind of like the story of tokyo, it gets destroyed by an earthquake, or fire, or bombs or godzilla and then rebuilds & regenerates itself stronger than ever before.