I was born in Venezuela & would have to agree with all of you specially with Atari he does want to appeal to Bush haters. I can attest to that, living in Berea pleanty of people wanted to hype him up but my rebutal to that was I'm only getting second hand info & I need to go to the country myself & see things with my own eye's to come to a conclusion. I'll say this much I think Chavez @ first came up with a good front. I have family that lives in moutain side tin roof houses & he helped them out financialy but then I have other family member who despise the man so whos side am I on, none as usual. I can say much until I see things for myself & atleast he's sorta standing up to Bush so that counts for a little something.(haha)
Duppy know a who fi Frighten
"Drink Guinness & live,
Hate Guinness & die"
Lee "Scratch" Perry