Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
from what i understand of japan the lack of christian influence on the culture makes casual sex less of a big deal there and the philandering ways of the male are taken more as par for the course.
bang on.
but it still find alot of girls seem to be looking for long term relationships much more than in england.
it doesnt stop em fucking away while theyre looking though. but you are a lot less likely to have a one night stand that you can both walk away from the next day without hurting the others feelings.
of course, some of the time the "nice" girls arnet really nice, and some times the guys arnet really bastards. half the time they must really love each other. who am i to question their happiness anyway?
that guy might be a cunt to everybody else but hes probably a prince to her, that might be why she married him.
or maybe not.
i onlly cared last night because i was drunk.
saying that though, ive known alot of lovely girls with bastards who are actualy friends of mine, so it usualy is the way i reckon.
some people just arnet as strong. it doesnt make them shallow or mean theyre in a relationship for convinience. they just fall for the wrong people, or they dont see the things that are hidden from them.
unless one of the people in question is a friend of yours, the only reason for caring is jealousy.