Not in the slightest. His whole deal is nothing but pageantry.
The president of Iran isn't religious either. It's all babble to herd the rabble.
Tomorrow, Bush & Ahmadinejad will both address the U.N which will sadly not deliver the hard-line that Iran needs to hear; instead the stage will officially be set to begin planned.
Kill all the Shi'ite clerics all over the world and you solve the problem. When there's a funeral for them, kill all the mourners, and so on, for as long as necessary. Of course, this admittedly monstrous policy will never be followed due to so-called ethics, but the real reason things cannot be this simply resolved is that the U.S. Government has been engaging in some "hard work" to scare up another real enemy so that the pigs at the top can skim from military budgets like they did during the Cold War with the then Soviet Union.
Robert Rauschenberg, Canyon, 1959. Combine on canvas 81 3/4 x 70 x 24 inches.