Al Gore...
He's not as bad a guy as Clinton. As president, I don't think he would be quite as wholly for sale as Clinton was. It shouldn't take a genius to understand beyond a shadow of a doubt that Gore would have been a godsend compared to Bush, Jr. There would have been no 9/11 which would be great. To those of you for which that the last statement sounds nuts, I haven't got time for you anymore.
Al's done a fairly great job of making himself smell like roses with his climate change movie "An Inconvenient Truth," and subsequent press tour with all the proceeds, as he reminds, going to charity. He's got tons of black budget money anyway, folks. Do I trust Al Gore? Nope. Is he better than the other candidates if he decides to run? Yeah, he's better than most of them. Ask me again if he's in the race.
Robert Rauschenberg, Canyon, 1959. Combine on canvas 81 3/4 x 70 x 24 inches.